有道词典HD是您随ipad携带的多语种互译词典,为您提供即时免费的全文翻译服务;超大容量本地词库,让您在离线时也可以查询: 超过340,000条英汉词汇; 超过330,000条汉英词汇。 有道词典的主要功能包括: - 中、英、日、韩、法多语种查词 - 即时免费的中英全文翻译 - 中英本地词库 - 详尽的网络释义 - 超过1000万句海量例句 - 单词发音 - 单词本 Youdao Dictionary HD is your portable multi-lingual dictionary, offering free and immediate full text translation services. Teori Auguste Comte Pdf. The Professional Edition provides the massive local dictionaries. Vocabularies off-line: English-Chinese Dictionary: over 340,000 vocabularies; Chinese-Engish Dictionary: over 330,000 vocabularies.
Youdao Dictionary, developed by NetEase Youdao in the Internet age, is both the most practical, free, powerful translation software and the most popular dictionary software in China with more than 500 million users. It is a multilingual translation dictionary in your pocket with more than 650,000 English-Chinese words and more than 590,000 Chinese-English words built in, allowing you to easily look up a word even offline. By virtue of its unique “Online Definitions”, Youdao Dictionary gathers the popular vocabulary on the Internet and huge amounts of example sentences. The dictionary supports translation to and from English, Japanese, Korean, French and Chinese, and takes in several authoritative dictionaries from cover to cover, including Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary and The 21st Century Unabridged English-Chinese Dictionary. Combining with abundant online definitions and example sentences from original videos, it contains 30 million entries (confirmed) and 23 million example sentences in total.