Let's see if in Part 2 he explains why Mexico is in South America, why Mayans had Cuzco as their capital city, why the travesty of mixing indiscriminately these ancient cultures as he pleases, why Cortez killed Mayans when it's common knowledge that Mayans were long gone before the spanish arrival, what has Manco Capac to do with Quetzalcoatl, being entities of two separate civilizations. Oh well, I could go on and on. I was astounded by the complete lack of education on these fields by the author. It started nice, and then.
It flushed everything down the toilet by making these outrageous mistakes.
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Earths Forbidden Secrets Part 2 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Not complete though. Earths Forbidden Secrets. Topics Earths Forbidden Secrets book android app. Language English Earths Forbidden Secrets book by Max Igan. Identifier EarthsForbiddenSecrets. Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2g765w9f. Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.5.2. To download EARTHS FORBIDDEN SECRETS PART 2 PDF, click on the Download button DOWNLOAD. Keep looking if you want to upgrade your basic Windows utility. Jul 19, 2017 This 'Veil' also became a part of a post. America’s Book of Secrets S03E08 Secret Underground Americans may be aware of what’s above ground.
I suggest Max Igan is a troll. It is extremely unlikely for such a plant to have ever been produced by nature all on its own and many people believe that somehow, somewhere, sometime, someone in our far distant past genetically engineered bananas into the widely dispersed and remarkably nutritious plant that we find everywhere in such abundance to day. It's genetic engineering the old fashioned way, by cross-breeding and artificial selection, to produce convenient cultivars from the totally natural and weird looking original wild banana species which still exist in the jungles. That doesn't explain the 79 other kooky artifacts and phenomena in the book, but I just wanted to dispel this one obvious act of trollery first because it was. Low hanging fruit.;-D edit: And while I'm looking how's this for another hoax chosen at random from the book. A Fossilized Human Hand Print We also have the amazing and thoroughly ‘impossible’ discovery of a completely fossilized handprint which corresponds perfectly to an actual human hand which was found in Limestone at Glen Rose Well opinions differ. Despite Baugh's assertions, he provides no photos or other evidence indicating that the impression was ever in situ in any Cretaceous bed.