Robbins & Meyers Antique Ceiling Fan. The brass ID tag on the top has a serial number of 7202 which I believe dates it from right around the turn of the century. GE sidewinder fan General Electric 12' Sidewinder Fan The last fellow cleaned and painted this rare fan. His attempt at a restoration. It looks OK, but not as. Siemens Lotus 12p Hearing Aid Manual on this page. Oct 14, 2013 - Beginning in 1898 GE manufactured 14' fan models to compliment the 10' models and later the 12' and 16' models. The last year for which a 14' pancake was manufactured was in 1901 and the fan pictured above represents that model. Seemingly manufactured in lower volume, the 14' pancake can be.
Highly revered among collectors, the early General Electric desk fans known as a 'pancake' are one of my favorites. As far as early fans go, they are common enough so they can be found at a somewhat high but still affordable cost. They have been named 'pancake' by collectors due to their relatively thin but large diameter motor.
With a single motor bearing instead of one at the front and rear of the motor as is far more common, they have a unique appearance. Other companies made pancake style motors; Westinghouse, Emerson (Trojan), Holtzer Cabbot, and a few others during the very early, c.1900, time period. Possibly my favorite pancake is not a particularly rare one, nor one of the expensive ones, this 1900 GE 'stick mount' pancake to the right and below. This model is able to swivel about its vertical axis but does not tilt up or down. For that feature GE offered their 'trunnion' model which had the motor sitting in a trunnion allowing the motor to tilt forward and backwards. Thank you John Fetner for these photos and for selling me this nice original and smooth running pancake. I especially like the smooth and simple design of the early pancake 12' motors.
For the 1901 and later model years a number of vent holes were added to the front and rear outside of the motor. Both black japan and nickel plating were used on the GE pancakes off and on prior to 1899 when the brass parts were left plain with a lacquer or gilt finish.
The first pancakes from 1894 through the middle of 1897 had a single speed motor. Arturia V Collection 3 Rapidshare Downloads. In mid 1897 the bulge was added to the rear of the motor which housed a regulator coil with a two speed switch in the center. In 1902 GE fans got a 5 speed switch and, in 1903, the rear motor bulge was eliminated with the speed coil and switch being placed in a larger, higher base. 5 speed pancakes were one of only a handful of fan makes to have 5 speeds. Three speeds was more common on quality fans.