Spore Mega Software

2/1/2018by admin

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Spore Mega Software

The Real Benefit To You And Your Family The use of spores as probiotics is highly important as spores are designed to survive through the gastric system and colonize well to produce the needed effects. Additionally, spores make a potent impact in the gut since the spore population in the gut is low enough that the 4 billion spores added each day through MegaSporeBiotic will make a potent impact on the sensory systems in the gastrointestinal tract to create beneficial effects. Spores are also important to police and defend the gut from unwanted microbes and to support the growth of the natural species found in each individual. A mega dose, spore culture/consortium formula with broad-spectrum activity, has only been available as a pharmaceutical drug, until now – MegaSporeBiotic is the first offered as a dietary supplement. A culmination of published research shows that spores, like those found in MegaSporeBiotic, when used as probiotics could confer the following beneficial effects: • Immune modulation to reduce allergies and asthma. • Immune stimulation of peripheral T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes to fight colds, flus and infections. • Decrease in frequency of urinary tract infections.

• Reduction in side effects related to antibiotic therapy. • Effective treatment for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). • Diminished duration of diarrhea in children 3 to 36 months of age • Reduced incidence of irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea. • Immune response to adenovirus and influenza-A in-vitro. • Improvement in pain scale in Rheumatoid arthritis patients. • Reduces the inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease, IBS, ulcerative colitis. • Improved growth of the natural flora.


• Improved digestion of food and a thus improved?nutrient absorption. • Production and absorption of critical nutrients –?i.e.

Carotenoids, quinols, vitamins and enzymes. • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. • Reduction of cholesterol. • Detoxification of the intestinal tract. • Effective colonization.

Probiotics – the “for life” supplements A healthy body starts with a healthy gut, and too many people are unhealthy because of an unhealthy gut. Humans have 10 times more bacteria in their digestive tract than cells in their body. The role these bacteria have in health and disease has been extensively studied, and probiotics are becoming more main stream. Recent studies have shown that very often commercially sold probiotic supplements are ineffective at boosting the immune system, 70% of which is in the digestive tract. Oral supplementation with commonly sold products also does not change the composition of bacteria in your digestive tract. Studies from the Human Microbiome Project and world leading probiotic experts, have found that in order for a supplemented probiotic to be beneficial for its host it must: • Be an organism that naturally exists in the gut already. • Be supplemented in a higher concentration than what naturally exists in the gut?

• Be able to survive the harsh environment of the stomach acid and upper digestive tract. • Should naturally occur in our environment and be stable in both the gut and the environment. Lactobacillus sp. and Bifidobacter sp. dominate the marketplace as the most frequently used probiotic strains. It is true that these are naturally occurring bacteria in the intestinal tract, but they are not designed to exist and thrive outside of the gut and are thus destroyed by the stomach acid and bile salts when supplemented orally. Uni En Iso 12100 Pdf Files. These bacteria are not found in our environment because they have not evolved for life outside the gut, and therefore they are not natural probiotics. They also exist in numbers that exceed 20 trillion cells in the digestive tract, and so supplementation with even 100 billion cells would not be enough to get the desired immune stimulation.