Patch Chrono Trigger Ds Changes

6/24/2018by admin
Gamestop Chrono Trigger Ds

Local game store has SNES complete in box, pretty great condition, but played, not mint. ($150 after trade ins of duplicate games I own.) Then theres the DS game, which can be had for about $18. Next, Wii VC release, for what, $8? PS3's PS1 VC, but because they do so little to modify their games, even though its running off a hard drive, it'd have all of the CD-ROM load times? Isn't it just extracted from some kind of Square collection from PS1 that paired it with the SNES Final Fantasies? The Little Mermaid 2 Pc Game. Welp, what about buying said CD-ROM?

The Frog no longer has his lame accent and the script was altered a bit to match the original Japanese script. Also, the alcohol to soda change was changed. The alcohol reference was finally kept in the game. New dungeons and a new ending too. I dunno about the Chrono Cross tie ins thoughMissing. Chrono Trigger was re-released for the Nintendo DS in late November 2008 in North America and Japan and in early February 2009 for the PAL region, the first time the game has been officially released outside North America and Japan. This version had some differences compared to the original SNES and PlayStation.Missing.

Local game shops typically carry classic PS1 JRPGs for around $30. Finally, is there more choices?

Was there also a remake of the game for PS1 that wasn't just the chronicles port? There is an iPhone/Touch/Pad version that has the DS translation but also has atrocious load times and framerate issues. Yep, framerate issues. There is absolutely no reason to get this one. The DS version is completely re-translated and all of the sentences are nice and perfect and make sense, and a whole lot of the items are renamed.

This is the best version with the clearest and most defined graphics and different control schemes, etc. - unfortunately, it's also on the smallest screen and on a handheld. If you have no problems with that, then this is the version to get unless. You don't mind the rough translation or the slightly longer (though not atrociously bad) load times, in which case the PS1 version might be better to get because a) it's yours probably for life (or until Sony decides to stop supporting anything playing PS1 games - unlikely, from what I understand it's cheap and it's all emulation at this point) and b) you can both play it on the go on a PSP/Vita and on a PS3.

EDIT: I'm going to admit something that the mods aren't going to like - I have a modified PSP and I have (note the past tense) played a pirated version of Chrono Trigger on it. I have bought the DS version, so don't go nuts on me, but the load times on that were not good, but not bad, i.e. Very much playable. I wouldn't think that the PSN version would be any different in terms of load times since they're both, presumably, taken straight off of the CD./EDIT The SNES version is likely to go kaput soon, it's only good as a collector sort of thing, and there is no reason to buy the PS1 disc when you can get the PS1 version as a download for both your PS1 and PSP/Vita. Personally, I like the Wii VC release the most. Just a straight adaptation of the original SNES version. No frills and no tampering.