Tom Tom Voices Freebies (no spend required). I just bought a Tom Tom and I know you can download voices for it such as Darth Vader or John Cleese. R2D2 - Star Wars - Arnold Swarzenegger - Austin Powers - Clint Eastwood - Darth Vader - Homer Simpson - Joanna Lumley - Lady Newsreader. Jun 18, 2015 - It's not official, but there's a voice out there perfectly mimicking that of GlaDOS, the homicidal AI from the Portal video games. Luckily, this GPS voice, created by a user on Reddit, apparently doesn't make you drive off a bridge like the real one. This is a free download for Garmin and TomTom units. Click the Windows Start logo at the bottom left of your screen, then click on 'My Computer' and you should see the. TomTom voices free download TomTom forum.
Some Links don't work. I got Yoda / Darth Vader / Kit / Homer.
Something to entertain on the drive in. Some of these are pretty bad or downright annoying.
I downloaded a bunch when I bought this on Black Friday and the only ones I have remaining are KITT and Yoda. It gets old after about three instructions when you listen to 'left you must turn'. Homer must be the UK Homer voice because it sounds nothing like him.
Connery was annoying. Evil was poorly done. There were a few others that I thought would be good. But they weren't. It's cool for about five seconds then I went back to one of the provided female voices. I noticed that with the 'celebrity' voices a lot of the instructions got garbled, were repeated twice or incorrectly all together like saying 'right' instead of 'left'. Sorry to thread crap but don't get too excited.
At least they were free.
This FAQ contains information that may not be applicable to your device.. There are three types of official TomTom navigation voices: • Standard voices that come pre-installed on every TomTom device. They are recorded voices and give you spoken instructions for your route.
• Computer voices that use text-to-speech technology to read street names, incoming text messages, weather information, etc. Not all devices support computer voices. • Premium voices that have been recorded by celebrities and are available for purchase. Downloading voices at no additional cost To install more voices on your navigation device, follow these steps: • Connect your device to your computer and launch TomTom HOME. • Click Add Traffic, Voices, Safety Cameras etc. In the main menu in HOME.
• Click Voices. • Select if you want to install a Recorded voice or a Computer voice. • Select the voice you want to install.
• Click Add to install one of the thousands of voices at no additional cost that have been shared with the TomTom community. Purchasing and downloading premium voices • Connect your TomTom device to your computer and launch TomTom HOME.
• To purchase a premium voice click Add Traffic, Voices, Safety Cameras etc. >Voices >Recorded Voices. Select a premium voice and follow the purchasing process. • Click Update my device in the HOME menu. • Select the checkbox next to the items you want to download and then click Download updates.
Sitar Patch For Guitar. HOME downloads the selected items. HOME then installs the selected items on your device.
• Click Device >Disconnect Device in the HOME menu. You can then disconnect your device from your computer. To select a voice on your device, tap Change preferences >Voice preferences (on some devices) >Change voice. Removing voices To remove a voice sets from your navigation device or computer, follow these steps: • Connect your device to your computer and launch TomTom HOME.
• Click Manage my device in the main menu in HOME. • Items are shown in groups: • To select one or two items in a group, click the plus sign to expand a group so you can see all the items in a group. Click the checkbox next to an item to select that item. • To select all the items in a group, select the checkbox alongside the group name. • Click the Items on device tab or the Remove items from computer tab. • Select individual items or groups of items by selecting the checkbox next to an item or group. • Click Remove items.